My experience and professional


I earned my Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology with a Specialization in Art Therapy at Caldwell College in Caldwell NJ.  I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in the state of New Jersey and a National Certified Counselor (NCC). I am trained to help with issues involving typical life stresses as well as the more severe challenges experienced by individuals and families. As an adjunct to psychotherapy, my training in art therapy can also provide therapeutic benefit for individuals suffering from illness, trauma, mental health problems, or for those seeking personal growth.

My experience includes working with children, adolescents and adults in a variety of therapeutic settings including private practice, a community based HIV/AIDS counseling center, adolescent youth services, a day-treatment facility for adults with mental illness and chemical addiction, an in-patient psychiatric hospital, domestic violence service programs, Intensive In-Community (ICC) in-home services and children’s art therapy programs in grade schools.

I enjoy a good book, practicing yoga, traveling with my husband, or just relaxing with our loveable cats!